Ya Just Gonna Hafta Accept it!

  • “Of” to “a”
  1. Kind of : Kinda
  2. Sort of : Sorta
  3. Out of : Outta
  4. A lot of : Alotta
  5. Lots of : Lotsa
  6. Much of : Mucha
  7. Cup of : Cuppa
  • Others
  1. Don’t know : Dunno
  2. Let me : Lemme
  3. Give me : Gimme
  4. Because : Cos
  5. Isn’t it : Innit?
  6. Isn’t : Ain’t
  7. Haven’t : Ain’t
  8. Tell them : Tell’em
  9. You/you are : Ya
  • “Have” to “a”
  1. Should have : Shoulda
  2. Shouldn’t have : Shouldna
  3. Could have : Coulda
  4. Couldn’t have : Couldna
  5. Would have : woulda
  6. Wouldn’t have : Wouldna
  7. Might have : Mighta
  8. Mightn’t have : Mightna
  9. Must Have : Musta
  10. Must not have : Mustna
  • “You” to “Cha”
  1. Don’t you : Dontcha
  2. Won’t you : Wontcha
  3. What Are You : Wotcha
  4. Bet you : Betcha
  5. Got you : Gotcha
  • “To” to “a”
  1. (Have) got to: Gotta
  2. Want to : Wanna
  3. Going to : Gonna
  4. Need to : Needa
  5. Ought to : Oughta
  6. Have to :Hafta
  7. Has to : Hasta
  8. Used to : Usta
  9. Supposed to : Supposta


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