Don't say... but say...

  • About to do : You’re going to do it soon
  • Accept : 1. Decided to do what they advise or suggest.
*Not to say “Accept to do” (X) what someone suggest but say “agree to do” e.g: She agreed to let us
  1. Situation and people, that cannot be change “ to accept good working”
*Not to say “cannot accept” (X) but say “cannot stand” or “cannot bear” e.g: I can’t bear the sight of him
  • Acceptable: When it is satisfactory or when people do not object to it.
*Not to say “Acceptable” to do something, but say “Willing” to do it. E.g: Willing to let us help him.
  • According to : In my opinion (same)
*Don’t use according to and opinion together.
  • Accompany : You go there with them. (go with/come with)
*In conversation use (go with/come with) but when in passive form must use “Accompanied”
  • Accord : If you do something of your own accord, you do it freely and because you want to do it. E.g = She knew they would leave of their own accord.
*You must use “of” and “own”
  • Accuse : if you accuse someone of doing something wrong. E.g : He Accused him of drinking beer
*Don’t say “Accused for”(X) but say “Accuse of”
  • Mistake : Something incorrect/onfurtunate that someone does, as speeling a word wrongly, you say that someone mistakes
*Don’t say “Mistake” (X) to refer to something wrong in a machine or stucture. E.g: There’s usually a fault in one of appliances.
*Dont say “In Mistake”(X) that someone does something, but say “By Mistake”


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