Reading and Writing Skills

Difference between writing and talking:
1.Writing as skills :
  • Free writing (Write down all your idea)
  • Brainstorming (think different idea that connect with main topic)
  • Clustering ( Diagramming or maping)
  • Preparing a scracth outline (first paraghraph, body and conclusion)
2. Written is more formal than speaking; as we don’t use contracted form and we don’t use abbreviation and it is consider as basic skill.
3. Speaking is temporary and Writing is learned skill; as we have to practice of grammar
  • Reading strategy:
  1. Skimming (Main Idea)
  2. Scanning (Details and facts)
Skimming  : we just find main idea of story
Scanning   : we read each and every things in details.
- The furniture present at a room in different colour. E.g: brown, yellow.
- The furniture present in a room is good. (Scanning)


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