
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2017

A and An (Indefinite Article)

A/An   : Used for singular count nouns The      : The second time you refer to the same person or thing A         : Consonant Sound, example: (U) A University An       : Vowel Sound, example: (H) An Hour A/An   : To describe someone/something with an adjective and a noun or a noun and a qualifier, example: A Worried man A/An   : Not omit infront of a noun when the noun refers to someone’s profession/job, example: An Artist

Phonetics Symbols

  Phonetics Phone (sound) and tics (scientific study) “It is the scientific study of human speech sounds” Phonology Phono (sound) and logy (particular language) “ It is the scientific study of human speech sound used in one particular” Transcription “Writing sounds through phonetic symbols” Aspiration “Adding /h/ with three voiceless consonant sounds” There are three aspirated sound in English , i.e : /p/k/t/ Voiced Sound “When there is vibration in our vocal cords while pronouncing certain sounds, those sounds” e.g : /b/d/g/ Voiceless Sound “ When there is less vibration in our vocal cords, while pronouncing certain sound” e.g : /p/k/t/

Example Letter of Complaining

F-10 Street Islamabad Pakistan, 44000 01 April, 2017 Manager Kentucky Fried Chicken and Bakery Islamabad, f-6/2, 44210 Subject: Unhygenic food presented in F-6/2 Dear Sir or Madam: I wish to express my dissatisfaction with the unhygenic food presented. On 30 March, 2017, I bought a wicked meals bucket. I made this purchase at United Bakery Building, F-6/2, Super Market, Islamabad. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because I found insect in my bucket meals. To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your action to make your product become hygine and performed well. Enclosed are copies of my records receipts concerning this purchase. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I will wait for one day. Please contact me at (031234567890) Please let me know as soon as possible what action you propose to take. Yours truly, Anna

Don't say... but say...

  About to do : You’re going to do it soon Accept : 1. Decided to do what they advise or suggest. *Not to say “Accept to do” (X) what someone suggest but say “agree to do” e.g: She agreed to let us Situation and people, that cannot be change “ to accept good working” *Not to say “cannot accept” (X) but say “cannot stand” or “cannot bear” e.g: I can’t bear the sight of him Acceptable : When it is satisfactory or when people do not object to it. *Not to say “Acceptable” to do something, but say “Willing” to do it. E.g: Willing to let us help him. According to : I n my opinion (same) *Don’t use according to and opinion together. Accompany : You go there with them. (go with/come with) *In conversation use (go with/come with) but when in passive form must use “Accompanied” Accord : If you do something of your own accord, you do it freely and because you want to do it. E.g = She knew they would leave of their own accord. *You must use “of” and “own” Ac

Reading and Writing Skills

Difference between writing and talking: 1.Writing as skills : Free writing (Write down all your idea) Brainstorming (think different idea that connect with main topic) Clustering ( Diagramming or maping) Preparing a scracth outline (first paraghraph, body and conclusion) 2. Written is more formal than speaking; as we don’t use contracted form and we don’t use abbreviation and it is consider as basic skill. 3. Speaking is temporary and Writing is learned skill; as we have to practice of grammar Reading strategy: Skimming (Main Idea) Scanning (Details and facts) *Note: Skimming  : we just find main idea of story Scanning   : we read each and every things in details. Example: - The furniture present at a room in different colour. E.g: brown, yellow. (Skimming) - The furniture present in a room is good. (Scanning)

الفرق بين الوظيفة و الحرفة و المهنة

الوظيفة هي العمل الذي يقوم به الموظف في القطاع الحكومي أو الخاص الذي ينتمي إليه في مجالات العمل الكتابي أو العمل الإداري و نحوه الحرفة هي العمل اليدوي و البدني الذي يمارسه الحرفي في الورشة أو المصنع أو الخدمة في البيوت و نحوها. و ليس بالضرورة أن يكون إتقان مهارات هذا العمل الحرفي عن طريق الدراسة النظرية المكثفة, بل يمكن اكتساب ذالك عن طريق تكرار المشاهدة و التجربة. المهنة هي عمل يشغله العامل بعد أن يتلقى دراسة نظرية كافية و تدريبا عمليا طويلا في مراكز علمية أو معاهد و جامعات متخصصة. فالمهنة تتطلب مجموعة من المهارات و المعارف النظرية و القواعد التي تنظم العمل بها, كمهنة الطب و الهندسة و التعليم.

Example of Curriculum Vitae (CV)

ANNA 031234567890             F-10 ISLAMABAD PAKISTAN____    CURRICULUM VITAE Objective: To get a challenging position of lecturer in which I can utilize my experience and make the bright carrier of students. To acquire an entry level position in the college where I can use my good teaching skills for the better development of the students. To give practical knowledge with the theoretical concept. To join a reputed college to aid in the increment of grades of the students hence helping the society with proper use of my skills and knowledge Personal Detail: Father’s name : Ahmeed M. Phil N.IC : C0669823 Gender : Female Religion : Islam Nationality : Indian Domicile : Islamabad, Pakistan Permanent Address : Islamabad, Pakistan Qualification: Pursuing M. Phil in Arabic Literature from Oxford University in 2016 with grade/GPA 4.00 Did Master’s degree in Islamic Studies from University Melbourne in 2014 with grade/GPA 4.00 Passed B

Word Formation (prefix, root word, suffix, and affix)

Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. An affix literally “fix”es itself to a root word or a stem word. An affix changes the meaning of a word. An affix may be attached to the beginning or the end of a root or stem word. If an affix is attached to the beginning of a word, it is called a prefix. If an affix is attached to the end of a word, it is called a suffix. Some root or stem words may have both an affix and a suffix or multiple affixes and suffixes in order to make new words and to change the meaning of the root or stem word. Example: No Prefix Root word Suffix 1 Un Happy Ly Unhappily (Affix) 2 Un Develop Ed Under Develop Ment - Develop Er - Develop Able - Develop Mental - Develop Ing 3 - Act Ive - Act Ivism - Act Ivity - Act Inism - Act Ionable - Act Ivated - Act Ing - Act Ion - Act Or - Act Ress - Ac

Ya Just Gonna Hafta Accept it!

  “Of” to “a” Kind of : Kinda Sort of : Sorta Out of : Outta A lot of : Alotta Lots of : Lotsa Much of : Mucha Cup of : Cuppa Others Don’t know : Dunno Let me : Lemme Give me : Gimme Because : Cos Isn’t it : Innit? Isn’t : Ain’t Haven’t : Ain’t Tell them : Tell’em You/you are : Ya “Have” to “a” Should have : Shoulda Shouldn’t have : Shouldna Could have : Coulda Couldn’t have : Couldna Would have : woulda Wouldn’t have : Wouldna Might have : Mighta Mightn’t have : Mightna Must Have : Musta Must not have : Mustna “You” to “Cha” Don’t you : Dontcha Won’t you : Wontcha What Are You : Wotcha Bet you : Betcha Got you : Gotcha “To” to “a” (Have) got to: Gotta Want to : Wanna Going to : Gonna Need to : Needa Ought to : Oughta Have to :Hafta Has to : Hasta Used to : Usta Supposed to : Supposta